Jumat, 27 Juni 2008

Dreams Can Come True

Ivan Sini, MD
Executive Director
PT. Bundamedik Group Healthcare System
Bunda International Clinic
Morula IVF Jakarta

After a decade of servitude, the independence of MORULA IVF JAKARTA has finally come into fruition.

By its very scientific definition, a MORULA (Latin "morus", mulberry) is an embryo at an early stage of embryonic development, consisting of approximately 12-32 cells (called blastomeres) in a solid ball contained within the zona pellucida.

It is produced by embryonic cleavage, the rapid division of the zygote. After reaching the 16-cell stage, the cells of the morula differentiate. The inner blastomeres will become the inner cell mass and the blastomeres on the surface will later flatten to form the trophoblast. As this process begins, the blastomeres change their shape and tightly align themselves against each other to form a compact ball of cells. This is called compaction and is likely mediated by cell surface adhesion glycoproteins.

And that's practically the evolution of MORULA IVF JAKARTA in Bunda International Clinic.

What began as a dream to assist infertile couples in Indonesia has now become a living testament of what can be done right here in Indonesia ... without all the hassle and stress of traveling to another country.

10 years ago Dr. Rizal Sini began his crusade to bring in this highly advanced -- albeit controversial -- medical technology to Indonesia. With his persistence to collaborate with doctors both foreign and domestic, it became his mission to see to it that In Vitro Fertilization become available to couples facing the trauma of infertility ... at a reasonable price.

And so he patterned his Mission & Vision to the actual reproduction and success of the IVF program and marked the first-born IVF child as the birth of MORULA IVF JAKARTA as well.

And now, a decade later, we recently celebrated the continued growth of Morula IVF Jakarta under the newly built Bunda International Clinic, which is about 3 buildings away from RS Bunda Jakarta in Menteng.

After years of living and practicing medicine in Australia, I have decided to come home several years ago to assist Dr. Rizal Sini in ushering to the new millennium Morula IVF Jakarta. It wasn't until recently that it dawned upon me that I have been blessed to be a part of assisting couples with their reproductive requirements.

Just like that, a Dream was born.

And taking after what Dr. Rizal Sini has started ages ago, I -- together with a team of medical experts -- are now here to embark on yet another crusade: to provide the most comprehensive medical service to women -- from embryo to menopause (and everything in-between), which is practically the life cycle of a woman.

Bunda International Clinic prides itself with its continued dedication to upgrade its medical services to people: to inform the public that even premium medical services can be made available right here in Indonesia.

Among the services Bunda International Clinic provides in its one-stop medical shop are:


2nd Floor B-Spa (a medical spa for Mothers and Mothers-To-Be)

- Medical Massage
- Yoga
- Baby Yoga
- Hypno-Birthing Therapy
- Private Sessions

- Chiropractic Services provided by Canadian & British group

Brandina Cafe

3rd Floor Bunda International Clinic

- Executive Medical Check Up
- General / Specialized Care
- Anti-Aging Remedies
- Cervical Cancer Vaccination
- Menopausal Management
- Plastic Surgery
- Skin Care

ER Indonesia

- Medical Evacuation with specialization on Maternity & Pediatrics

Sasana Husada Physiotherapy

4th Floor Perempuan Clinic

- Comprehensive Dermatological Services by the Puan Group

5th Floor Administration
Strategic Marketing / PR Division
Investments Diversification / Partnerships

Feel free to visit anytime for a private consultation.

1 komentar:

may mengatakan...

Dear Dr Ivan,

Your blog is very interesting. My hubby and I are married for ten years now and unfortunately, we don't have any baby yet to make our days brighter. At this moment, we are considering to try artificial insemination and are willing to opt to IVF if the first one won't work for us. Will you please share with me a bird's eyeview about the requirements for these procedures, the best time for our first meeting with a doctor from BIC and maybe the average cost for each of the procedures. I'm looking forward to your reply. Thank you very much.