Senin, 15 Desember 2008

65 persen Sulit Punya Anak Disebabkan Sperma Bermasalah

Jika bertahun-tahun belum dikaruniai anak, paradigma yang berkembang di masyarakat adalah kaum istri yang dipersalahkan atau sering juga dibilang mandul. Padahal belum tentu disebabkan oleh sang istri. Data World Health Organization (WHO) menunjukkan menyebutkan sekitar 35 – 40 persen masalah sulit punya anak disebabkan masalah sperma suami yang kualitasnya tidak baik. Hasil penelitian dari laboratorium Andrologi dari Morula IVF Jakarta baru-baru ini mendapatkan angka yang lebih besar lagi. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut didapatkan sebesar 65 persen masalah kesulitan anak di Indonesia disebabkan oleh permasalahan sperma suami.

Umumnya masalah sperma yang dialamai adalah berkaitan dengan kualitas sperma yang tidak baik. Untuk mengetahui kualitas sperma, sebaiknya seorang pria melakukan analisa sperma yang sesuai dengan standar yang ditetapkan WHO . Berikut adalah faktor penting berdasarkan kriteria WHO mengenai kualitas sperma itu baik atau tidak:

1. Konsentrasi atau jumlah dari sperma. Minimal jumlah sperma yang baik adalah 20 juta per cc.
2. Motilitas atau pergerakan sperma. Mortalitas sperma yang baik adalah minimal 50 persen pergerakan sperma, baik itu pergerakan cepat maupun pergerakan biasa.
3. Morfologi atau bentuk dari sperma. Sperma yang baik adalah sperma yang bentuknya minimal normal 30 persen.

Ada beberapa faktor mengapa sperma pria tidak bagus kualitasnya, antara lain:

1. Lingkungan hidup pria yang tidak baik menyebabkan kualitas sperma seorang pria menjadi tidak baik. Hal ini menarik kalau dilihat dari kualitas hidup pria yang berada di kota besar seperti Jakarta. Dapat kita ambil contoh seperti merokok, polusi, kurang olah raga dan gaya konsumsi pangan yang tidak sehat
2. Perkembangan testis yang tidak baik, sangat berpengaruh pada jumlah sperma yang dihasilkan akan semakin sedikit.
3. Penggunaan celana dalam yang terlalu ketat dapat menyebabkan jumlah sperma yang dihasilkan testis menjadi berkurang, bahkan penggunaan celana dalam yang ketat juga dapat mengganggu pergerakan sperma, akibatnya kualitas spermanya menjadi tidak baik.
4. Panas yang berlebihan di daerah kemaluan
5. Terjadinya varikokel atau pembesaran pembuluh darah di daerah testis, yang meningkatkan temperatur skrotum dan akibatnya jumlah sperma yang dihasilkan berkurang.
6. Faktor Genetik, dimana dari awal testis pria tersebut memang tidak bisa memproduksi sperma dengan baik.

Selain beberapa faktor di atas, gaya hidup juga sangat berpengaruh terhadap kualitas sperma seorang pria. Adapun beberapa factor yang menyebabkan buruknya kualitas sperma seseorang adalah kebiasan merokok, minum minuman beralkohol, gaya hidup bebas yang menyebabkan meningkatnya potensi infeksi. Kebiasaan memakan makanan yang banyak mengandung kolesterol tinggi dan lemak, makan tidak teratur, dan sering tidak teratur tidur. Karena itu, untuk memperbaiki kualitas sperma, kaum pria disarankan untuk menjalani gaya hidup sehat.

Dunia kedokteran memiliki beberapa cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasi sperma bermasalah ini. Adalah pengobatan assisted reproductive technology atau suatu pengobatan untuk permasalahan reproduksi yang dibantu untuk mengatasi permasalahan pada sperma. Tersedia tiga pilihan untuk sperma yang bermasalah ini. Pilihanya adalah dengan pengobatan medikamentosa, inseminasi buatan dan bayi tabung.

Tips Cepat Punya Anak
1. Hidup sesehat mungkin, menerapkan gaya hidup sehat merupakan salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan pasangan yang ingin cepat punya anak.
2. Berhenti merokok, merokok dapat menyebabkan kualitas sperma menjadi berkurang.
3. Makan makanan yang sehat
4. Cukup istirahat dan cukup tidur
5. Cukup berolahraga.

Selasa, 09 Desember 2008

Hanya Butuh 2 Minggu Untuk Hamil

World Health Organisation (WHO) mendefinisikan, pasangan dikatakan tidak subur jika terjadi ketidakberhasilan dalam konsepsi setelah berhubungan seksual tanpa kontrasepsi selama dua tahun. Tahun pertama perkawinan pasangan diharapkan menunggu untuk melihat potensi kehamilan dan tahun berikutnya, pasangan sudah harus mulai mengeksplorasi penyebab ketidaksuburan. Ibu punya alternatif bayi tabung untuk momogan. Apalagi, kini telah ada penyerdehanaan yang membuat ibu lebih nyaman.

Indonesia merupakan negara dengan populasi yang sangat besar. Tidak heran jika jumlah pasangan yang sulit punya anak juga sangat besar. Jumlah persentasenya diperkirakan 12 – 15 persen, hampir sama dengan seluruh dunia. Bayangkan kota Jakarta dengan populasi sekitar 10 juta penduduk dansekitar 2 juta di antaranya adalah usia subur. Dari jumlah itu, diperkirakan 240 ribu pasangan mengalami kesulitan untuk hamil setiap tahunnya.

Faktor – faktor penentu pasangan sulit punya anak, diantaranya usia wanita, lama infertilitas (tidak subur), kurang olahraga, merokok, konsumsi alcohol, memakai narkoba, paparan lingkungan, radiasi kerja dan lainnya. Data pada laboratorium klinik bayi tabung Morula IVF Jakarta menunjukkan lebih dari 60 persen penyebab infertilitas terletak pada faktor pria dan 85 persen diantaranya tidak dapat diperbaiki, dengan kata lain kecil kemungkinan untuk subur.

Dahulu penanganan infertilitas di Indonesia lewat pengobatan reproduksi dibantu dianggap sebagai pilihan terakhir dan hanya bagi pasangan ekonomi mampu. Namun, sejak 10 tahun terakhir perkembangan pesat dengan keberhasilan memuaskan ditunjukkan oleh teknologi program reproduksi dibantu, salah satunya bayi tabung. Varisai pengobatan lewat program bayi tabung tergantung dari indikasi medis, artinya pasien tidak bisa secara tiba-tiba ingin mengikuti program bayi tabung, diantaranya permasalahan sperma ringan hingga berat seperti azoospermia (cairan sperma yang tidak mengandung spermatozoa), endometriosis berat, saluran telur yang tersumbat, ataupun antibody antisperma.

Program Bayi Tabung merupakan upaya meningkatkan kemungkinan pasangan untuk hamil dengan cara mempertemukan sel telur istri dengan sperma suami di laboratorium yang setelah diinkubasi akan ditanamkan kembali ke rahim ibu. Penyederhanaan bayi tabung juga diselaraskan dengan perkembangan teknologi obat-obatan, diantaranya obat stimulasi ovarium, obat untuk merangsang pematangan akhir telur, obat untuk menguatkan dinding rahim, dan sebagainya.

Program berlangsung selama enam minggu di mana pada proses awal pasien dituntun untuk mengikuti proses stimulasi (rangsangan) lewat suntikan hormon FSH dengan harapan agar sel telur yang biasanya hanya dikeluarkan satu perbulan, bisa antara 5 – 10 sel telur perbulan. Suntikan hormon diberikan sekali sehari selama 10 – 14 hari, pada kondisi telah mencapai 10 telur dalam satu siklus, telur diambil (tindakan petik telur) untuk dipertemukan dengan sperma di laboratorium khusus.

Pengambilan telur dilakukan saat telur matang, kurang lebih dua minggu setelah haid atau pada masa subur menggunakan jarum yang ukurannya sebesar ukuran sperma. Jadi, sebenarnya apa yang dilakukan jarum itu sama dengan apa yang dilaukan sperma kepada sel telur pada pembuahan secara umum. Selanjutnya, pertumbuhan embrio dimonitor dengan ultrasonografi (USG).

Selasa, 22 Juli 2008

Getting Pregnant

Ivan Sini, MD
Executive Director
PT. Bundamedik Group Healthcare System
Bunda International Clinic
Morula IVF Jakarta


How To Get Pregnant

Is there something wrong with me?

Am I fertile?

These questions come up a lot with those of you who have been trying to figure out exactly how to get pregnant for several months now and have not yet had any success.

At first there is not much doubt, you stop using contraception and imagine that within a few months, you will become pregnant and that's it. After three or four months of trying you will be faced with the reality of the situation that you are not pregnant yet and your mind will begin to ask if everything is ok with you and your partner.

To put your mind at rest, when you are trying for a baby it is quite normal to have to wait up to and beyond 12 months before finally becoming pregnant.

To be able to become pregnant there are certain facts that you should be aware of that when applied to your lifestyle and your lovemaking will dramatically increase your ability to become pregnant:

  • You should be aware of how your body works and exactly what your body is doing at every step of your monthly cycle. Get to know the tell tale signs that you are about to ovulate. With a little practice you should be making love just as you ovulate.
  • Know when to make love. You need to know about male ejaculation and about how sperm can become more or less active. Plan it so that you make love just as you ovulate with the highest quality sperm. Also you need to learn about how female orgasms can help in conception if timed right.
  • Preparing your body with the correct minerals and vitamins is very important. Not only for trying to conceive but once conception has occurred then you will need to have prepared yourself to be able to nourish the unborn in the first few weeks. There is a lot to be said ion this subject.
  • You should also be asking yourself if you are really prepared to bring a child into this world, do you have the means to support it and nurture it?... I personally believe that whatever our situation, as a survival instinct most of us will somehow be able to find all that we will need to bring up a healthy and happy baby but if you personally are not really that sure then this thinking will bear a direct influence on your physical body and will play tricks with your ovulation and menstrual cycle which will make it that much more difficult to become pregnant.

Getting pregnant is a gift, the fact is that some women are just not able to and that is sad. There are however many women who believe they cannot become pregnant when really all that they need is a little clarity and the explanation of certain facts and they will be able to become pregnant just as easily as anybody else.


The LUTEAL PHASE or Post Ovulation Time is the time between ovulation and the first day of the menstrual period. The length of the luteal phase is fixed and in the majority of women lasts for exactly 14 days. This number can vary with some women having a luteal phase of 15 or 16 days and others as short as 12 days, but, whatever the length of your luteal phase, it is always constant being the same number of days long, month in - month out... even if you have irregular periods. If you do have an irregular cycle then the 'irregular' part of the cycle is the first part up to ovulation. Once ovulation has occurred then your period will start exactly 14 days later (or however many days long your luteal phase is) unless of course fertilization has occurred..

If you have been a few months charting your cycle then you should see that once ovulation has occurred then the time until the first day of bleeding is always exactly the same, even if you have very irregular periods.

Best Time of the Month to Get Pregnant

This Ovulation Calculator will need the date of your last period, the average length of your cycles, (if you just leave it blank then it will default to 28 days which is the average for most women) and your average *Luteal Phase length (Once again if you are not sure of this then just leave it blank and it will default to 14 days which is the average for most women)


1. Find a partner. For some, this is the hardest part.

2. If you are currently on the pill as a form of birth control, discontinue taking it. Most doctors recommend that women wait three cycles while their bodies adjust to being off the pill before trying to conceive.

3. Start taking a prenatal vitamin before getting pregnant. Medical professionals recommend that women get a daily dose of 400 micrograms of folic acid starting at least a month before trying to get pregnant and at least 600 micrograms a day once pregnant. Research has indicated that doing so can reduce the risk of neural tube defects in babies by up to 70 percent.

4. Balance your hormones with good nutrition and herbal supplements. Zinc, calcium, magnesium and B6 are great for sustaining hormonal balance. Various herbs associated with balanced hormones include chamomile, raspberry leaf, ginkgo biloba, saw palmetto, ginseng, licorice root and black cohosh. Consult your doctor if you are unsure of the effects of any herbal supplements.

5. The best time to develop a healthy lifestyle is before pregnancy. Maintain a healthy weight, exercise regularly, eat healthy foods, reduce stress and don't smoke, consume alcohol or do any other recreational drugs. These good habits may help you get pregnant more easily and will certainly serve you and your baby well during pregnancy.

6. Determine when you ordinarily ovulate. For most women, this is in the middle of their menstrual cycle, around day 14, although the exact timing varies among women. There are a number of ways to determine when you are ovulating, from tracking your basal body temperature and watching for changes in cervical mucus to simply purchasing an ovulation calculator at the drug store.

7. Have regular, unprotected sex around the time you ovulate. Since sperm cells can survive in the reproductive tract for two to three days, it's best to have sex every day for at least a few days leading up to ovulation. So for example, if the average woman ovulates on day 14, it's best to have sex on days 12, 13 and 14 of her menstrual cycle.

8. On the first day of a missed period, take an early pregnancy test and find out if all of your hard work has paid off.

9. Repeat these steps each month until you are pregnant.

" Just One Mistake Can Reduce Your Odds Of Getting Pregnant
By Up To 50%!"

There's a lot more to getting pregnant than just having intercourse sometime in the middle of your cycle and hoping that it will happen.

Most couples have learned this the hard way.

Prior to their visit to us, a couple was trying to conceive and we found out that there was a lot that they didn't know. Which led them to making a lot of big mistakes which were actually preventing them from getting pregnant. For one thing, they had the timing all wrong. They thought the wife ovulated 14 days after the start of her period, but later learned that this is a big mistake that many women make. For most women, ovulation does not occur 14 days after their period starts even though many women think this is true.

And would you believe they were using lubrication (KY jelly), that after visiting our clinic they later found out can kill sperm!! That certainly wasn't helping them get pregnant.

She also had her husband "save up" his sperm thinking this would make him more fertile when her ovulation day came, and it turns out this actually makes him less fertile, and reduces the chance of pregnancy.

Oh, we could go on and on about all the mistakes that most couples were and ARE making.

Luckily, after spending months researching, we have uncovered all the possible mistakes, which can get in the way of getting pregnant, and we made a lot of changes.

And guess what, they conceived two little "bundles of joy" (not at the same time!) not long after they have stopped making these common mistakes!

Morula IVF Clinic CAN make your Dreams Come True

It will provide you with the information that you need to give you a great head start on getting pregnant.

For more information, visit Morula IVF Jakarta at Bunda International Clinic for consultation. It is located at Jl. Teuku Cik Ditiro No. 12, Menteng, Central Jakarta. Or visit or call +62 21 31922005 ext 800.

Jumat, 27 Juni 2008

Dreams Can Come True

Ivan Sini, MD
Executive Director
PT. Bundamedik Group Healthcare System
Bunda International Clinic
Morula IVF Jakarta

After a decade of servitude, the independence of MORULA IVF JAKARTA has finally come into fruition.

By its very scientific definition, a MORULA (Latin "morus", mulberry) is an embryo at an early stage of embryonic development, consisting of approximately 12-32 cells (called blastomeres) in a solid ball contained within the zona pellucida.

It is produced by embryonic cleavage, the rapid division of the zygote. After reaching the 16-cell stage, the cells of the morula differentiate. The inner blastomeres will become the inner cell mass and the blastomeres on the surface will later flatten to form the trophoblast. As this process begins, the blastomeres change their shape and tightly align themselves against each other to form a compact ball of cells. This is called compaction and is likely mediated by cell surface adhesion glycoproteins.

And that's practically the evolution of MORULA IVF JAKARTA in Bunda International Clinic.

What began as a dream to assist infertile couples in Indonesia has now become a living testament of what can be done right here in Indonesia ... without all the hassle and stress of traveling to another country.

10 years ago Dr. Rizal Sini began his crusade to bring in this highly advanced -- albeit controversial -- medical technology to Indonesia. With his persistence to collaborate with doctors both foreign and domestic, it became his mission to see to it that In Vitro Fertilization become available to couples facing the trauma of infertility ... at a reasonable price.

And so he patterned his Mission & Vision to the actual reproduction and success of the IVF program and marked the first-born IVF child as the birth of MORULA IVF JAKARTA as well.

And now, a decade later, we recently celebrated the continued growth of Morula IVF Jakarta under the newly built Bunda International Clinic, which is about 3 buildings away from RS Bunda Jakarta in Menteng.

After years of living and practicing medicine in Australia, I have decided to come home several years ago to assist Dr. Rizal Sini in ushering to the new millennium Morula IVF Jakarta. It wasn't until recently that it dawned upon me that I have been blessed to be a part of assisting couples with their reproductive requirements.

Just like that, a Dream was born.

And taking after what Dr. Rizal Sini has started ages ago, I -- together with a team of medical experts -- are now here to embark on yet another crusade: to provide the most comprehensive medical service to women -- from embryo to menopause (and everything in-between), which is practically the life cycle of a woman.

Bunda International Clinic prides itself with its continued dedication to upgrade its medical services to people: to inform the public that even premium medical services can be made available right here in Indonesia.

Among the services Bunda International Clinic provides in its one-stop medical shop are:


2nd Floor B-Spa (a medical spa for Mothers and Mothers-To-Be)

- Medical Massage
- Yoga
- Baby Yoga
- Hypno-Birthing Therapy
- Private Sessions

- Chiropractic Services provided by Canadian & British group

Brandina Cafe

3rd Floor Bunda International Clinic

- Executive Medical Check Up
- General / Specialized Care
- Anti-Aging Remedies
- Cervical Cancer Vaccination
- Menopausal Management
- Plastic Surgery
- Skin Care

ER Indonesia

- Medical Evacuation with specialization on Maternity & Pediatrics

Sasana Husada Physiotherapy

4th Floor Perempuan Clinic

- Comprehensive Dermatological Services by the Puan Group

5th Floor Administration
Strategic Marketing / PR Division
Investments Diversification / Partnerships

Feel free to visit anytime for a private consultation.

Reproductive Wellness

Ivan Sini, MD
Executive Director
PT. Bundamedik Group Healthcare System
Bunda International Clinic
Morula IVF Jakarta

Q: What is Infertility?

A : Most experts define infertility as not being able to get pregnant after at least one year of trying. Women who are able to get pregnant but then have repeat miscarriages are also said to be infertile. While Merriam Webster Medical Dictionary defines infertility not fertile; especially : incapable of or unsuccessful in achieving pregnancy over a considerable period of time (as a year) in spite of determined attempts by heterosexual intercourse without contraception (infertile couples ; an infertile male with a low sperm count ; an infertile female with blocked fallopian tubes).

Q: Who is Infertile ?

A : Statistics vary, but roughly one-third of the cases of infertility are female factor (ovulation disorders, tubal issues, etc.), one-third of the cases are male factor (poor sperm motility or mobility, lack of sperm, erectile dysfunction, etc.), and one-third are caused by a combination of male and female factors, or the cause is unknown. There is also a condition known as secondary infertility, where pregnancy has previously been achieved without difficulty and now pregnancy is not coming easily.

Q : What is Female infertility?

A : Infertility in women may be due to problems with ovulation, barriers to egg and sperm meeting, barriers to implantation, poor hormonal support of the conceptus, immune system irregularities or any combination of the above. Testing is done to help determine which of these factors are involved and how to proceed with treatment.

Emotional ramifications of infertility:

For some, receiving a label of "infertility" is a relief. The problems were not all in their head and knowing the problem is the first step to finding the solution. For others, being labeled "infertile" is simply painful. For both groups and all those in between, finding emotional support may be important. Some fertility clinics require counseling for couples undergoing the treatment of infertility.

Q : How Does Age Affect Your Fertility?

A : As we get older our fertility decreases. Most of us know that once a woman reaches menopause, it is impossible for her to get pregnant without the assistance of fertility treatments. It is not, however, just the lack of eggs in the ovary at menopause which contributes to decreasing female fertility. Other changes occur in women over time, including:

* The quality of the eggs in the ovaries decline with age.

* The ability of an egg to become fertilized may also decrease over time, lowering the odds of conception. This can be caused by more years in which older women have had a chance to acquire pelvic infections, uterine fibroids or polyps, or other conditions that impair fertility.

* There are fewer eggs with time (referred to as ovarian reserve)

* Over time, changes in hormones can cause difficulties with ovulation

* Miscarriage rates increase with age.

* As you age, general health problems like high blood pressure and diabetes can affect your ability to get pregnant, stay pregnant or have a healthy pregnancy.

Q : When should I see a doctor?

A: If you are under 35 and have no other health problems that affect your fertility, you should be having well-timed, unprotected intercourse for a period of one year before contacting a fertility specialist (also known as a reproductive endocrinologist). If you are over 35 or have known medical issues, the general recommendation is to seek evaluation by a specialist if you fail to become pregnant after six months of well-timed and unprotected intercourse.

For further medical information, please visit or visit Bunda International Clinic, Jl. Teuku Cik Ditiro No. 12, Menteng, Jakarta, Indonesia for free consultation.